Why is the Internet so risky?

From the most basic perspective, using the Internet has become incredibly risky because the bad guys, criminals, hackers, malicious, and, in some cases, just curious users, have recognized the Internet as a source of almost limitless information. In today’s digital economy, information = money. All data, no matter how innocuous or almost irrelevant it may seem to you, has value to someone. And because even today with everything we know about the risks and about protecting ourselves, the vast majority of both large and small companies online aren’t taking adequate steps to protect themselves. Combine a wealth of information (remember, information=money) along with a bunch of unprotected systems hosting that information, and you create a breeding ground for criminals to make a very comfortable living online stealing information and holding systems hostage (the cost of cybercrime is estimated at $6 TRILLION in 2021 by Cybersecurity Ventures). If you aren’t taking reasonable effort to protect yourself and your business online, you’re simply helping to perpetuate the problem. It’s time to break the cycle!

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Why is the Internet so risky?

From the most basic perspective, using the Internet has become incredibly risky because the bad guys, criminals, hackers, malicious, and, in some cases, just curious users, have recognized the Internet as a source of almost limitless information. In today’s digital economy, information = money. All data, no matter how innocuous or almost irrelevant it may seem to you, has value to someone. And because even today with everything we know about the risks and about protecting ourselves, the vast majority of both large and small companies online aren’t taking adequate steps to protect themselves. Combine a wealth of information (remember, information=money) along with a bunch of unprotected systems hosting that information, and you create a breeding ground for criminals to make a very comfortable living online stealing information and holding systems hostage (the cost of cybercrime is estimated at $6 TRILLION in 2021 by Cybersecurity Ventures). If you aren’t taking reasonable effort to protect yourself and your business online, you’re simply helping to perpetuate the problem. It’s time to break the cycle!

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