Does my business need to be online?

Whether they are marketing their products or services, getting orders from customers by email or through web order forms, or simply doing research on their line of business, the Internet has been a game-changer for all businesses. If you aren’t using the Internet in some fashion, you can pretty much guarantee that your competition is. You can also guarantee that your customers and prospective customers are. If you’re not there in some way for them to find or interact with you, they’ll simply move on to someone else they can find online. Being part of the global digital workplace isn’t an option anymore. For 99.9% of all businesses, it’s a necessity to survive and thrive.

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Does my business need to be online?

Whether they are marketing their products or services, getting orders from customers by email or through web order forms, or simply doing research on their line of business, the Internet has been a game-changer for all businesses. If you aren’t using the Internet in some fashion, you can pretty much guarantee that your competition is. You can also guarantee that your customers and prospective customers are. If you’re not there in some way for them to find or interact with you, they’ll simply move on to someone else they can find online. Being part of the global digital workplace isn’t an option anymore. For 99.9% of all businesses, it’s a necessity to survive and thrive.

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