
Filling out a cybersecurity questionnaire

How to Handle the Dreaded Cyber Security Questionnaire

The cybersecurity questionnaire, potentially the bane of a small business owner’s existence. Imagine, you are a small business owner and are about to land your first big client. Everything is going well but before they sign the contract, they hand you a cybersecurity questionnaire. Now the panic sets in. Does this sound familiar? Maybe you …

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How Do Privacy Requirements Affect My Business?

Privacy and security go hand in hand. Cybersecurity focuses on protecting precious data from unauthorized viewers. Meanwhile, privacy focus on protecting this data itself by ensuring it isn’t viewed or shared illegally. Both businesses and customers have an expectation of privacy when they trust another business with their data. So what are these privacy requirements …

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Why Do My Customers Want to Know About My Cyber Security Practices?

They say a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. That holds true with cybersecurity practices as well. Most companies outsource services to companies like yours. And what we do to protect ourselves directly impacts the overall cybersecurity postures of our customers.  Examples of How Third-Party Breach Affects Your Business The first example …

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How the Pandemic Sparked a Rise in Ransomware Attacks

It seems as though every month there’s a new ransomware attack in the news. What is the cause of the massive increase in ransomware attacks worldwide? What can you do as a business to protect and defend against ransomware groups? Since no business is safe from sophisticated attacks, QuickProtect has put together services to guide …

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What is a Firewall?

A firewall is software or hardware that sits at the edge of your network between your company and the Internet. It’s designed to keep hackers out and to allow legitimate connections into your network if needed. Legitimate connections may include access to email, access to a company website, or corporate cloud apps. The Importance of …

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the Dark Web

What Is the Dark Web?

The Internet can be a great place to search for entertainment or for research purposes. Unfortunately, it can be also very dangerous, no thanks to the World Wide Web’s opposite, the Dark Web. Basically, the Dark Web is the digital equivalent of the Wild West. Further, it’s a subset of the internet that is intentionally …

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Rising Cyber Insurance Costs Are Worrying Businesses

With more shopping done online, businesses are becoming growing targets for malware. But they’re also falling victim to rising cyber insurance costs. Here’s everything you need to know about the rise in cyber insurance costs and what it means for your business. The Rise in Ransomware One of the biggest stories of 2021 has been …

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