How much does it cost? Can I do it for free?

Protecting yourself and your company can take a lot of different approaches. Some of them are free and simply rely on open source tools, your knowledge and time, some one-time costs to purchase hardware or software, and some may choose ongoing costs to have a regular service in place. Whichever you choose (and you don’t have to choose just one, many companies have 1, 2 or even all 3 approaches in their organization), make sure you choose SOMETHING and understand what it is, and if it’s sufficient to protect the basics: your users, your network, and your data.

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How much does it cost? Can I do it for free?

Protecting yourself and your company can take a lot of different approaches. Some of them are free and simply rely on open source tools, your knowledge and time, some one-time costs to purchase hardware or software, and some may choose ongoing costs to have a regular service in place. Whichever you choose (and you don’t have to choose just one, many companies have 1, 2 or even all 3 approaches in their organization), make sure you choose SOMETHING and understand what it is, and if it’s sufficient to protect the basics: your users, your network, and your data.

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