How do privacy requirements affect me?
Privacy and security go hand in hand but they deal with two different aspects of information protection. Security focuses on protecting the information from unauthorized access while privacy focuses more on protecting the contents of the information and making sure it isn’t accessed or shared inappropriately. Companies have an obligation to ensure that any sensitive information they have (employee data, customer data, transaction data, etc.) is not only secured from unauthorized access, but is also handled properly even by those people who are authorized to access it. Think of health records as a good example; while a health practitioner may have access to all Ontario health records through a digital platform, they are only authorized to access records directly related to patients they are working with. If they access records of someone who they shouldn’t (remember when Rob Ford was in hospital and some of his information was leaked?) it is considered a privacy breach but not a security breach.
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How do privacy requirements affect me?
Privacy and security go hand in hand but they deal with two different aspects of information protection. Security focuses on protecting the information from unauthorized access while privacy focuses more on protecting the contents of the information and making sure it isn’t accessed or shared inappropriately. Companies have an obligation to ensure that any sensitive information they have (employee data, customer data, transaction data, etc.) is not only secured from unauthorized access, but is also handled properly even by those people who are authorized to access it. Think of health records as a good example; while a health practitioner may have access to all Ontario health records through a digital platform, they are only authorized to access records directly related to patients they are working with. If they access records of someone who they shouldn’t (remember when Rob Ford was in hospital and some of his information was leaked?) it is considered a privacy breach but not a security breach.