Iot Security: Just How Safe Is Connecting to the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is here! Well, it’s actually been here for a little while now. You might have already been happily turning on lights with your voice or creating digital shopping lists with your fridge. If so, you might be wondering how good is IoT security?

On the other hand, you might be thinking “what on earth is IoT?”

Let’s tackle that first.

What is The Internet of Things?

Made possible through 5G technology, IoT is the network of objects that are all now connected to the Internet. Things like lightbulbs, appliances, toys, and even vehicles.

This new technology has given everyday “dumb” objects the ability to communicate with each other, collect data, and grow smarter and more responsive.

Here are some of the coolest IoT devices:

Smart Oven

Tovala, a Chicago-based tech company, has created a smart oven that scans QR or bar codes and searches online for the best temperature and cook time for each specific food item. You’ll never burn the garlic bread ever again.

Smart Farming Equipment

John Deer is moving forward with plans to equip machinery with smart sensors that can detect things like moisture levels, soil temperature, and wind speed. This will drastically improve the efficiency of fertilizers and pesticides.

Smart Herding

HerdDogg has created an animal traceability platform, including lightweight sensors that you attach to a cow’s ear. They track herd data and transmit it to the cloud. They are even integrating drones for even more high-tech cow herding.

Smart Pallets

PalleTech has created a cloud-connected way for businesses to monitor their shipments more closely. It provides automatic shipment reports while also relaying important information like temperature and shock readings.

How Is IoT Security?

All of that stuff is pretty cool, but is it safe?

The bad news is that there is always a risk when using IoT technology. Everything that is connected to the Internet can be hacked. Many experts agree that companies are moving too fast, focusing on implementing smart technology quickly without ensuring proper security.

When it comes to businesses, this vulnerability can be even more of an issue. Getting your lightbulbs hacked is one thing, but someone having access to your business back-end is far more concerning.

Rolling everything into a single network means that you’ll be more vulnerable to IoT security threats. A single breach can create waves across all connected devices. It’s essential to have experts with the required (and quite varied) skills to properly implement an IoT security system.

Why Risk It?

After hearing about all the problems associated with IoT, you might wonder why businesses even bother.

The simple answer is because the benefits are just too good to pass up.

Being able to monitor every aspect of your business, from goods to employees, means you can implement changes that have immediate benefits. For example, being notified that a fridge is malfunctioning, allows you to take action right away and save all the food stored inside.

This extends to employee safety as well. If something goes wrong or a piece of equipment is being used improperly, the situation can be remedied before a serious accident occurs.

What Can You Do For Better IoT Security?

While having everything connected opens you up to more risk, it might still be worth it for your business.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to stay vigilant. Make sure you’re constantly checking in on your systems. Also, identify what data and points in the system would be at risk if an attack does happen.

However, the best thing you can do is make sure you have a team of cyber security experts like QuickProtect on your side.

Do you have questions or concerns about your cyber security?