Around the Clock Support
Each QuickProtect service is designed to generate alerts and notifications, which are sent directly to the appropriate person at your company. If they find they need additional assistance, our service includes:
Whether you need guidance creating continuity within your organization, require server hosting or co-location solutions to ensure the protection of your data and the further continuity of your business, or offsite backup services that will protect and secure your data in the event of theft, fire, and floods, QuickProtect is ready at the ring of your call or email. Anytime your team needs additional IT support, QuickProtect will only charge you in 15-minute increments and will send you an invoice monthly.
By following the globally recognized cybersecurity framework designed by the NIST, we will have a deep understanding of your organization and its needs. This understanding will inform us on protection solutions and strategies so that we can detect the threat the moment it begins, respond accordingly, and provide recovery services to get your organization back on track after a cybersecurity breach. Anytime your team needs additional cybersecurity support, QuickProtect will only charge you in 15-minute increments and will send you an invoice monthly.
Your business is your top priority. At best, cyber-attacks are a distraction. At their worst, they can cripple your operations. QuickProtect has a team of experts to help you quickly investigate any cyber incidents and thoroughly mitigate the situation, so you can focus on what matters most: your business. We have a deep understanding of both existing and emerging threat actors and their quickly changing tactics, techniques, and procedures.